Monday, April 18, 2011

April 11-17

All in all, it was a good week. Despite a few days of yucky weather and some sleepless nights from Aubrey waking up in the middle of the night, things were pretty good.

I got my 3 runs in and even matched my fastest 5k time of 34:02. I think I am going to be in ok shape for my race on 4.30 but we'll see. I'm trying to keep that pace up for the next 2 weeks in hopes that on race day, adrenaline will help me go a bit faster so I can hit a new personal record. Its tough for me, especially on those really tired nights, but I am motivated to do better at the race this year than last and that keeps me going.

I realized I hadn't cooked any new recipes in a while, so I actually read some of the recipe suggestion e-mails I got last week and printed off 3 new recipes to try. We've gotten back into a food rut, so hopefully we'll crawl back out this week.

We spent the weekend hanging out as a family. We took Aubrey to the mall play area on Saturday and she had a blast. I, on the other hand, did not. I get so mad at the parents who let their too old or too big kids run around and terrorize the little kids and don't say anything to the kids. This one particular charmer of a kid kept running up the slide every time Aubrey tried to slide down and wouldn't even say excuse me as he did it. Finally, I stepped in and told him he needed to share with the other kids. He gave me this blank look like I spoke Chinese and proceeded to keep on being a brat. I hope I can teach Aubrey to act better than that so some other toddler mom doesn't have to do my job for me. We also too Aubrey to the park with our community group Sunday night and we all enjoyed that. It was so nice outside and the playground was designed more for toddles so Aubrey could do more independently than she can on our neighborhood playground. She pitched a fit when it was time to go and she kept asking to slide as we left. We will definitely be going back to that park more this spring and summer.

We also attempted Aubrey's Easter pictures this weekend. But, she decided to show her 2-year old attitude and be pretty non-cooperative, so I am not too thrilled with any of them. Hopefully, we can try again next weekend and see if Ms. Sunshine will come to visit or Ms. Stormy decides to play instead.

Editing to add my pics now that SmugMug is back up.

Aubrey has become obsessed with brushing her teeth. I can't complain too much about it, but it is annoying when we are trying to leave in the morning and she won't quit brushing her teeth.

Full on 2-year old attitude here.

A little more cooperative.

Not the greatest picture, but I love the hat and this was the best of the hat I could get.

But, I hope everyone has a good week!

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