What a week. Yet another week of sickness in our house. Aubrey started complaining on Monday that her ear hurt and she had cold symptoms. She woke up several times throughout the night so by Tuesday morning, I was exhausted. Mom came to watch her as usual and I crawled back in the bed to sleep for several more hours. Aubrey never had a fever and never complained about her ears again so we thought she was better. When I got home from work Thursday evening, Mom told me I needed to keep an eye on Aubrey's eyes because she could have pink eye. Ugh. Sure enough, the green goop started later that night and I knew I couldn't send her to school Friday. So, I arranged for Mom to come watch her Friday morning because I had a dr's appointment of my own to go to before I could take Aubrey. So, I went to my appointment at 8:30, got finished just in time to scream across the street to get to Aubrey's at 9:30. Dr. Honeycutt said she thinks there was a bacterial infection in Aubrey's eyes and gave us a prescription for eye drops. Then, she decided to take a peak at Aubrey's ears. Both of them were freakin' infected. Again. We just finished the last antibiotic 2 weeks ago. So, this round of ear infections bought us a referral to an eye, ear, nose, and throat doctor for a consultation to discuss tubes along with the standard 10 days of antibiotics. Greeeaattt. Not 1 single ear infection until the day she turns 2 and now 6 months later we are discussing tubes. We are not really surprised because Todd and I both had tubes and adenoids (both of us) and tonsils (Todd) removed as kids. So, we will schedule that appointment this week and see where it leads.
To add to the fun of Aubrey's illness, Todd woke me up with a flash light Friday morning asking if I saw bumps in his throat. I could not, but at 6:45 AM I can't see much of anything. So, he said he would see how it went and call the doctor if he felt bad later in the afternoon. About 3:30 that afternoon, I get a text from him saying he was calling the doctor. They did a rapid strep test that was negative, but went ahead and wrote him an antibiotic prescription. Fun times.
Saturday was a pretty low key day. Todd started feeling worse Saturday morning, so we filled his prescription and he then held the couch down all day. I went to a shower for a high school friend and then we all spent Saturday evening lying around the house. Sunday was our typical grocery day, napping, and then our church small group.
I only picked my camera up one time this weekend and I think I've determined I'm in a photo rut. I just don't even have motivation to take any pictures right now and I'm think I'm ok with that. I'm sure Aubrey is happier that I am not chasing her around with the camera and I'm happy not to sit at my computer editing pictures. I'm pretty burned out with a computer right now because of work, so there have actually been days I haven't even turned my computer on. That is really unusual for me, but good for me in the long run.
I'm hoping this next week goes really fast. I am really looking forward to the 3 day weekend next weekend and hope to catch up on some sleep.
I hope everyone has a great week!
The one picture I took this week. She insisted that her litter of stuffed animals sat in the chair with her while she watched tv.