Saturday, December 1, 2007

First blog

Ok, I've done some blogging on Myspace but it's usually just random posts or things I've copied from other people. But, I am a lurker on The Nest and many of the ladies there have blogs and they are hard core about it. I love reading them because you get to learn more about people (hmm, imagine that I like doing that since that is my job) but it also helps me to feel more normal because I realize other people are dealing with the same stuff I am.

With all that being said, I really decided to start my blog because Todd and I have seriously started talking baby. And I decided that blogging would be a good way to get my thoughts down and organized. I think this will also be a good to share with the future little baby P.

So, right now I am kind of nervous. I have been wanting to have a baby for so long that it just seems like a part of my never ending wish list. But, now that it is getting closer than ever, I start wondering "am I ready" or "can I do this?" The reality is a lot more scary than the idea.

We are not trying to conceive yet because I have 1 more pack of birth control to finish. But, I am starting to prepare mentally and physically for what's ahead. I bought a bottle of prenatal vitamins tonight and plan on starting those tomorrow. I've started getting a hold of the idea that I will have to give up caffeine for a while (anyone who knows me knows this will not be easy for me.) I am also trying to enjoy the things that I might not get to enjoy later (the glass of wine that is sitting beside me right now or the sleeping late this morning). I've started reading things to do when trying to conceive so when we start, I know what I am dealing with. Hopefully, I will not get so wrapped up in planning that I forget to enjoy the trying!

It's going to be a rollar coaster, I am sure. But, I can't wait!!!!

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