Tuesday, December 29, 2009

11 months

Wow, the last 26th that I can say Aubrey is just __ months old has passed. I can't believe in less than 30 days I will have a 1-year old. Over Christmas, I was remembering how miserable I was last Christmas and it seemed to hard to believe that was a year ago. Sigh....

Milestones from the past month
*Crawling like a speed demon
*Clapping (which is beyond cute, by the way)
*Discovered her 5th and 6th teeth have broken the skin
*Started crawling over anything that gets in her way
*Is no longer content to just sit. She insists on pulling herself to stand on whatever is close. Including her crib, which is how she greets when she wakes up
*Started cruising on furniture
*First Christmas
*First taste of the Pearce annual barbeque
*Got into her first "fight" at school--she wanted another baby's toy so they played tug-o-war and Aubrey won--until the other little girl got mad and sat on Aubrey. I wish I could have seen this go down. I bet it was funny!
*She fits in a few 12-month things, but mostly wears 6-12 months and 9-month stuff

The best I could do for this month's shot.
She spent the rest of the time doing this...

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