Saturday, December 15, 2012

5th anniversary

I was just rereading some older blog posts and I realized this blog is 5 years old this month. It is amazing to me how much our world has changed in 5 years. Todd and I were newlyweds, just getting ready to start trying to have kids. We were at different jobs, had different cars, and completely different worries about the world. We had no idea what we were in for as we hoped to start a family. When I started this blog, I kept it private to journal my thoughts around trying to get pregnant. I never really had major plans for this blog and wasn't quite sure if I would be able to keep it going. But, I am glad I kept it as a place to document our lives. I've not been very good at keeping up with the baby books. In fact, I still haven't even written the first word in Mason's book. However, this blog has all of those details and more and has become very important to me over the years. I don't write as often as I'd like because I don't have a lot of time to actually sit down at my computer and collect my thoughts. So if I get the milestones and major happenings in our lives documented I call it success. I hope to keep it going as the kids get older so they can look back and laugh at us and themselves, as well as learn about their lives before they could remember. That is why this little piece of the internet is here and I hope I do a great job for them.

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