Sunday, November 28, 2010

22 months

The last month has not brought about as many milestones as in the past, but what she didn't do in quantity was made up with quality. Everything is bigger and better (or worse, depending on which new skill). Someone asked Todd yesterday how old she was and he told him almost 2 and I sighed because he's right, as much as that saddens me. I've already scheduled her 2nd birthday party and I almost cried afterward because she is getting so big. But, after holding a 4-week old newborn last week, I realized how young she still is after she flipped out because she didn't want her mommy holding any other baby. If she were older, she might understand better, but because she is so young, she doesn't understand and this comforted me in a strange way. It did worry me a bit that she freaked out because that could be in serious trouble in the future, but we've got plenty of time to work on it. We promptly added a baby doll to her Santa list to help us with that. The other thing I realized from holding a newborn is how much I love a toddler's independence and personality. Babies are squishy, lovable things, but toddlers are much more fun.

Milestones this month:
*Her vocabulary is getting larger and much easier to understand. Hearing her say "bless you" following a sneeze cracks me up every single time. She has started using 2 word sentences like Come, Awie (Allie) and Outside, pwease.
*She still struggles with the "l" and "r" sounds
*She's pretty good about saying "thank you" when you give her something.
*She can answer when you ask her what her name is and what is my name. I threw in my real name one time and she gave me the deer in the headlight look.
*She is understanding ownership by saying Aubrey nose and Mommy nose.
*She is learning the family names, including Gma, Gpa, Gwanpa, Wacey (Lacey), and Twaci (Traci).
*The tantrums are getting more insane and louder. And they are so random. Sometimes, she'll go off over nothing and other times let big stuff go. I really think sometimes she just likes to hear herself scream.
*She gets so frustrated when she can't get something right the first time (no clue where that trait came from!) and she just screams.
*She(ok we) survived her first big boo-boo after she fell on the sidewalk and busted her lip. It was not pretty, but she was fine 5 minutes later.
*She has started enjoying the tv, especially Yo Gabba Gabba.
*She loves to dance.
*She wants to be thisclose to you at all times, including when she eats. She is not happy when either one of us leaves her sight.
*She hasn't made much progress with potty training, but continues to tell us after she goes.
*She learned to pull herself up on the kitchen chairs and is getting worse than the dogs about begging for your food :-) You would think we never feed her.
*She is now fascinated with helping me cook, or get under my feet, how ever you want to look at it.
*She enjoyed her 2nd Thanksgiving and loved watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade

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