We went to the doctor on May 20th for our first ultrasound. I was so nervous going in and it showed when the took my blood pressure (144/70). They asked if I had hypertension and I told them no, but I did with Aubrey and I was really nervous about the ultrasound. Once the ultrasound started it seemed like it took her forever to turn the screen on. I knew she wouldn't turn the screen on if there was bad news so her taking forever gave me a sinking feeling. Finally, she turned on the tv screen and showed us the little peanut. She said despite my period dating me at 8 weeks the baby was only measuring 6 weeks 6 days. The heartbeat was great at 145 so I felt a little more reassured at that point. So, our new due date is 1.7.12. They took my blood pressure again, and it had come back down to a much more respectable 117/60. Following the ultrasound, we met with Dr. Miles (who is really cute by the way. Made it a little hard to focus). He believes I just ovulated a little later than we thought and that's what is putting us a week behind. He said I would come back at 12 weeks for my first true OB appointment. After I scheduled that appointment, I realized I would be seeing him again for that appointment and I groaned. First, I'm not to keen on men doing my Pap smears and exams. Just weird to me. And secondly, he's cute for crying out loud. I need to be serious and ask good questions, not be distracted by a cute doctor ;-). On the way out of the doctor's office it hit me how crazy December and January are going to be for us. We have the Christmas, 2 weeks later I'm due, and then about 3 weeks later is Aubrey's birthday. We are going to stay broke from December to February of every year.
On the Saturday following the ultrasound, we had a party for Todd's birthday as an excuse to get our families to the house to share the good news. I bought Aubrey a shirt that said "A little birdie told me a secret" on the front. The backs says "I'm going to be a big sister." After everyone was here, I took Aubrey upstairs to change her shirt and put the big sister shirt on. I brought her back outside and let the family figure it out for themselves. They started squealing with excitement and Aubrey was pretty confused about what all the noise was for. It was a fun way to share the news, though and I am excited to see her wear the shirt again.
So, we are finally back to 8 weeks and I am feeling it. I've already gotten out my bigger sized pants because my regular jeans were getting snug. I crave comfort food (fried anything, mashed potatoes, ice cream). And for a new symptom to me, I am having food aversions. I made italian crockpot chicken this week and took the first bite and almost threw up. Ugh, I don't like this symptom one bit. I loved everything I ate with Aubrey so this was a rude wake up call for me. I've also got more upset stomach this time around. The nausea is still present, but worse in the afternoon and evenings. And exhaustion is my ever present friend, from the minute I wake up until I crash at night. And napping is so much harder since I want to spend all the time I can with Aubrey. So, I am just in survival mode at this point. Only 4-5 weeks left and hopefully I'll be back to my old self again.
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